
時間(TIME):2021-04-16 15:47:09



第一條  為保證進出口化妝品的安全衛(wèi)生質(zhì)量,保護消費者身體健康,根據(jù)《中華人民共和國進出口商品檢驗法》及其實施條例、《化妝品衛(wèi)生監(jiān)督條例》和《國務(wù)院關(guān)于加強食品等產(chǎn)品安全監(jiān)督管理的特別規(guī)定》等法律、行政法規(guī)的規(guī)定,制定本辦法。

第二條  本辦法適用于列入海關(guān)實施檢驗檢疫的進出境商品目錄及有關(guān)國際條約、相關(guān)法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定由海關(guān)檢驗檢疫的化妝品(包括成品和半成品)的檢驗檢疫及監(jiān)督管理。

第三條  海關(guān)總署主管全國進出口化妝品檢驗檢疫監(jiān)督管理工作。


第四條  進出口化妝品生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營者應(yīng)當(dāng)依照法律、行政法規(guī)和相關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)從事生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營活動,保證化妝品安全,對社會和公眾負(fù)責(zé),接受社會監(jiān)督,承擔(dān)社會責(zé)任。


第二章  進口化妝品檢驗檢疫


第五條  主管海關(guān)根據(jù)我國國家技術(shù)規(guī)范的強制性要求以及我國與出口國家(地區(qū))簽訂的協(xié)議、議定書規(guī)定的檢驗檢疫要求對進口化妝品實施檢驗檢疫。


第六條  進口化妝品由口岸海關(guān)實施檢驗檢疫。海關(guān)總署根據(jù)便利貿(mào)易和進口檢驗工作的需要,可以指定在其他地點檢驗。

第七條  海關(guān)對進口化妝品的收貨人實施備案管理。進口化妝品的收貨人應(yīng)當(dāng)如實記錄進口化妝品流向,記錄保存期限不得少于2年。

第八條  進口化妝品的收貨人或者其代理人應(yīng)當(dāng)按照海關(guān)總署相關(guān)規(guī)定報檢,同時提供收貨人備案號。









第九條  進口化妝品在取得檢驗檢疫合格證明之前,應(yīng)當(dāng)存放在海關(guān)指定或者認(rèn)可的場所,未經(jīng)海關(guān)許可,任何單位和個人不得擅自調(diào)離、銷售、使用。

第十條  海關(guān)受理報檢后,對進口化妝品進行檢驗檢疫,包括現(xiàn)場查驗、抽樣留樣、實驗室檢驗、出證等。

第十一條  現(xiàn)場查驗內(nèi)容包括貨證相符情況、產(chǎn)品包裝、標(biāo)簽版面格式、產(chǎn)品感官性狀、運輸工具、集裝箱或者存放場所的衛(wèi)生狀況。

第十二條  進口化妝品成品的標(biāo)簽標(biāo)注應(yīng)當(dāng)符合我國相關(guān)的法律、行政法規(guī)及國家技術(shù)規(guī)范的強制性要求。海關(guān)對化妝品標(biāo)簽內(nèi)容是否符合法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定要求進行審核,對與質(zhì)量有關(guān)的內(nèi)容的真實性和準(zhǔn)確性進行檢驗。

第十三條  進口化妝品的抽樣應(yīng)當(dāng)按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行,樣品數(shù)量應(yīng)當(dāng)滿足檢驗、復(fù)驗、備查等使用需要。以下情況,應(yīng)當(dāng)加嚴(yán)抽樣:






第十四條  需要進行實驗室檢驗的,海關(guān)應(yīng)當(dāng)確定檢驗項目和檢驗要求,并將樣品送具有相關(guān)資質(zhì)的檢驗機構(gòu)。檢驗機構(gòu)應(yīng)當(dāng)按照要求實施檢驗,并在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)出具檢驗報告。

第十五條  進口化妝品經(jīng)檢驗檢疫合格的,海關(guān)出具《入境貨物檢驗檢疫證明》,并列明貨物的名稱、品牌、原產(chǎn)國家(地區(qū))、規(guī)格、數(shù)/重量、生產(chǎn)批號/生產(chǎn)日期等。進口化妝品取得《入境貨物檢驗檢疫證明》后,方可銷售、使用。


第十六條  免稅化妝品的收貨人在向所在地直屬海關(guān)申請備案時,應(yīng)當(dāng)提供本企業(yè)名稱、地址、法定代表人、主管部門、經(jīng)營范圍、聯(lián)系人、聯(lián)系方式、產(chǎn)品清單等相關(guān)信息。

第十七條  離境免稅化妝品應(yīng)當(dāng)實施進口檢驗,可免于加貼中文標(biāo)簽,免于標(biāo)簽的符合性檢驗。在《入境貨物檢驗檢疫證明》上注明該批產(chǎn)品僅用于離境免稅店銷售。




第三章  出口化妝品檢驗檢疫


第十八條  出口化妝品生產(chǎn)企業(yè)應(yīng)當(dāng)保證其出口化妝品符合進口國家(地區(qū))標(biāo)準(zhǔn)或者合同要求。進口國家(地區(qū))無相關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)且合同未有要求的,可以由海關(guān)總署指定相關(guān)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

第十九條  海關(guān)總署對出口化妝品生產(chǎn)企業(yè)實施備案管理。具體辦法由海關(guān)總署另行制定。

第二十條  出口化妝品由產(chǎn)地海關(guān)實施檢驗檢疫,口岸海關(guān)實施口岸查驗。


第二十一條  出口化妝品生產(chǎn)企業(yè)應(yīng)當(dāng)建立質(zhì)量管理體系并持續(xù)有效運行。海關(guān)對出口化妝品生產(chǎn)企業(yè)質(zhì)量管理體系及運行情況進行日常監(jiān)督檢查。

第二十二條  出口化妝品生產(chǎn)企業(yè)應(yīng)當(dāng)建立原料采購、驗收、使用管理制度,要求供應(yīng)商提供原料的合格證明。




第二十三條  出口化妝品的發(fā)貨人或者其代理人應(yīng)當(dāng)按照海關(guān)總署相關(guān)規(guī)定報檢。其中首次出口的化妝品應(yīng)當(dāng)提供以下文件:




第二十四條  海關(guān)受理報檢后,對出口化妝品進行檢驗檢疫,包括現(xiàn)場查驗、抽樣留樣、實驗室檢驗、出證等。

第二十五條  現(xiàn)場查驗內(nèi)容包括貨證相符情況、產(chǎn)品感官性狀、產(chǎn)品包裝、標(biāo)簽版面格式、運輸工具、集裝箱或者存放場所的衛(wèi)生狀況。

第二十六條  出口化妝品的抽樣應(yīng)當(dāng)按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行,樣品數(shù)量應(yīng)當(dāng)滿足檢驗、復(fù)驗、備查等使用需要。



第二十七條  需要進行實驗室檢驗的,海關(guān)應(yīng)當(dāng)確定檢驗項目和檢驗要求,并將樣品送具有相關(guān)資質(zhì)的檢驗機構(gòu)。檢驗機構(gòu)應(yīng)當(dāng)按照要求實施檢驗,并在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)出具檢驗報告。

第二十八條  出口化妝品經(jīng)檢驗檢疫合格,進口國家(地區(qū))對檢驗檢疫證書有要求的,應(yīng)當(dāng)按照要求同時出具有關(guān)檢驗檢疫證書。


第二十九條  來料加工全部復(fù)出口的化妝品,來料進口時,能夠提供符合擬復(fù)出口國家(地區(qū))法規(guī)或者標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的證明性文件的,可免于按照我國標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進行檢驗;加工后的產(chǎn)品,按照進口國家(地區(qū))的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進行檢驗檢疫。


第四章  非貿(mào)易性化妝品檢驗檢疫


第三十條  化妝品衛(wèi)生許可或者備案用樣品、企業(yè)研發(fā)和宣傳用的非試用樣品,進口報檢時應(yīng)當(dāng)由收貨人或者其代理人提供樣品的使用和處置情況說明及非銷售使用承諾書,入境口岸海關(guān)進行審核備案,數(shù)量在合理使用范圍的,可免于檢驗。收貨人應(yīng)當(dāng)如實記錄化妝品流向,記錄保存期限不得少于2年。

第三十一條  進口非試用或者非銷售用的展品,報檢時應(yīng)當(dāng)提供展會主辦(主管)單位出具的參展證明,可以免予檢驗。展覽結(jié)束后,在海關(guān)監(jiān)督下作退回或者銷毀處理。

第三十二條  攜帶、郵寄進境的個人自用化妝品(包括禮品),需要在入境口岸實施檢疫的,應(yīng)當(dāng)實施檢疫。

第三十三條  外國及國際組織駐華官方機構(gòu)進口自用化妝品,進境口岸所在地海關(guān)實施查驗。符合外國及國際組織駐華官方機構(gòu)自用物品進境檢驗檢疫相關(guān)規(guī)定的,免于檢驗。


第五章  監(jiān)督管理


第三十四條  報檢人對檢驗結(jié)果有異議而申請復(fù)驗的,按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定進行復(fù)驗。

第三十五條  海關(guān)對進出口化妝品的生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營者實施分類管理制度。

第三十六條  海關(guān)對進口化妝品的收貨人、出口化妝品的生產(chǎn)企業(yè)和發(fā)貨人實施誠信管理。對有不良記錄的,應(yīng)當(dāng)加強檢驗檢疫和監(jiān)督管理。

第三十七條  海關(guān)總署對進出口化妝品安全實施風(fēng)險監(jiān)測制度,組織制定和實施年度進出口化妝品安全風(fēng)險監(jiān)控計劃。主管海關(guān)根據(jù)海關(guān)總署進出口化妝品安全風(fēng)險監(jiān)測計劃,組織對本轄區(qū)進出口化妝品實施監(jiān)測并上報結(jié)果。


第三十八條  海關(guān)總署對進出口化妝品建立風(fēng)險預(yù)警與快速反應(yīng)機制。進出口化妝品發(fā)生質(zhì)量安全問題,或者國內(nèi)外發(fā)生化妝品質(zhì)量安全問題可能影響到進出口化妝品安全時,海關(guān)總署和主管海關(guān)應(yīng)當(dāng)及時啟動風(fēng)險預(yù)警機制,采取快速反應(yīng)措施。

第三十九條  海關(guān)總署可以根據(jù)風(fēng)險類型和程度,決定并公布采取以下快速反應(yīng)措施:





第四十條  對不確定的風(fēng)險,海關(guān)總署可以參照國際通行做法在未經(jīng)風(fēng)險評估的情況下直接采取臨時性或者應(yīng)急性的快速反應(yīng)措施。同時,及時收集和補充有關(guān)信息和資料,進行風(fēng)險評估,確定風(fēng)險的類型和程度。

第四十一條  進口化妝品存在安全問題,可能或者已經(jīng)對人體健康和生命安全造成損害的,收貨人應(yīng)當(dāng)主動召回并立即向所在地海關(guān)報告。收貨人應(yīng)當(dāng)向社會公布有關(guān)信息,通知銷售者停止銷售,告知消費者停止使用,做好召回記錄。收貨人不主動召回的,主管海關(guān)可以責(zé)令召回。必要時,由海關(guān)總署責(zé)令其召回。



第四十二條  海關(guān)對本辦法規(guī)定必須經(jīng)海關(guān)檢驗的進出口化妝品以外的進出口化妝品,根據(jù)國家規(guī)定實施抽查檢驗。


第六章  法律責(zé)任


第四十三條  未經(jīng)海關(guān)許可,擅自將尚未經(jīng)海關(guān)檢驗合格的進口化妝品調(diào)離指定或者認(rèn)可監(jiān)管場所,有違法所得的,由海關(guān)處違法所得3倍以下罰款,最高不超過3萬元;沒有違法所得的,處1萬元以下罰款。

第四十四條  將進口非試用或者非銷售用的化妝品展品用于試用或者銷售,有違法所得的,由海關(guān)處違法所得3倍以下罰款,最高不超過3萬元;沒有違法所得的,處1萬元以下罰款。

第四十五條  不履行退運、銷毀義務(wù)的,由海關(guān)處以1萬元以下罰款。

第四十六條  海關(guān)工作人員泄露所知悉的商業(yè)秘密的,依法給予行政處分,有違法所得的,沒收違法所得;構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責(zé)任。

第四十七條  進出口化妝品生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營者、檢驗檢疫工作人員有其他違法行為的,按照相關(guān)法律、行政法規(guī)的規(guī)定處理。




第四十八條  本辦法下列用語的含義是:






第四十九條  本辦法由海關(guān)總署負(fù)責(zé)解釋。

第五十條  本辦法自201221日起施行。原國家出入境檢驗檢疫局200041日施行的《進出口化妝品監(jiān)督檢驗管理辦法》(局令21號)同時廢止。

Chapter I General           
Article 1 in order to ensure the safety and health quality of imported and exported cosmetics and protect the health of consumers, these measures are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the law of the people's Republic of China on the inspection of import and export commodities and its implementation regulations, the regulations on the supervision of cosmetics hygiene and the special provisions of the State Council on strengthening the supervision and administration of food and other products.   
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the inspection, quarantine and supervision and administration of cosmetics (including finished products and semi-finished products) which are listed in the catalogue of import and export commodities which are listed in the catalogue of imported and outbound commodities under inspection and quarantine by the customs, and relevant international treaties, relevant laws and administrative regulations. 
Article 3 the General Administration of Customs shall be in charge of the supervision and administration of inspection and Quarantine of imported and exported cosmetics throughout the country. Be responsible for the supervision and administration of inspection and Quarantine of imported and exported cosmetics in the regions under the jurisdiction of the customs.        
Article 4 the producers and operators of import and export cosmetics shall engage in production and business activities in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and relevant standards, ensure the safety of cosmetics, be responsible to the society and the public, accept social supervision and bear social responsibility.           

Chapter II Inspection and Quarantine of imported cosmetics           
Article 5 the competent customs shall carry out inspection and Quarantine of imported cosmetics in accordance with the compulsory requirements of the national technical specifications, the agreements and protocols signed between China and the exporting countries (regions).            If China has not formulated the compulsory requirements of national technical specifications, it may be inspected according to the relevant foreign standards designated by the General Administration of customs.  
Article 6 the import cosmetics shall be inspected and quarantine by the Customs at the port. The General Administration of Customs may designate inspection at other places in accordance with the need for facilitating trade and import inspection.     
Article 7 the customs shall implement the administration of filing the consignee of imported cosmetics. The consignee of imported cosmetics shall truthfully record the flow direction of imported cosmetics, and the record keeping period shall not be less than 2 years. 
Article 8 the consignee or its agent of imported cosmetics shall apply for inspection in accordance with the relevant provisions of the General Administration of customs, and provide the consignee's record number.           
The cosmetics imported for the first time shall meet the following requirements:           
(1) Cosmetics that are subject to the state health license shall obtain the approval of the health license for imported cosmetics approved by the relevant competent departments of the state. The customs shall systematically compare and verify the electronic data of the import cosmetics health license;            (2) Cosmetics for which the State implements the record shall go through the formalities for inspection application with the record keeping certificate;           
(3) Cosmetics that are not licensed or filed by the State shall provide the following materials:           
1. relevant safety assessment data of potentially dangerous substances issued by relevant qualified institutions;           
2. the certificate or origin certificate that the production and sale are allowed in the country (region) where the production is produced;           
(4) In addition to the first three items, the sales of packaging cosmetics products shall also submit samples of Chinese labels, foreign language labels and translation;           
(5) The finished cosmetics not sold shall also provide the name, quantity / weight, specification, origin, production batch number and the limited use date (production date and shelf life), destination name of the package, name of factory, address and contact information of the package.           

Article 9 before obtaining the certificate of inspection and quarantine, imported cosmetics shall be stored in a place designated or approved by the customs. No unit or individual may transfer, sell or use them without the permission of the customs.           

Article 10 after receiving the application for inspection, the customs shall carry out inspection and Quarantine on imported cosmetics, including on-site inspection, sampling and sample retention, laboratory inspection and certificate issuing.           

Article 11 the contents of the on-site inspection include the conformity of the goods certificate, the product packaging, the format of the label layout, the sensory properties of the products, the sanitary conditions of the means of transport, containers or storage places.           

Article 12 the labeling of imported cosmetics products shall conform to the mandatory requirements of relevant laws, administrative regulations and national technical specifications. The customs shall check whether the contents of cosmetics label conform to the requirements of laws and administrative regulations, and inspect the authenticity and accuracy of the contents related to quality.           

Article 13 the sampling of imported cosmetics shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, and the quantity of samples shall meet the needs of inspection, re inspection, reference and other use.
Sampling shall be strictly carried out in the following cases:           
(1) Imported for the first time;           
(2) Having ever had quality and safety problems;           
(3) The import quantity is large.           
When sampling, the customs shall issue the "sampling / sampling certificate" with serial number and seal of inspection and quarantine business. The sampling person and consignee or its agent shall sign by both parties.           
The samples shall be managed in accordance with the relevant national regulations. The qualified samples shall be kept for 4 months after sampling, the qualified samples of special purpose cosmetics shall be kept one year after the certificate is issued, and the unqualified samples shall be kept until the end of the shelf life. Samples involving investigation of cases shall be kept until the end of the case.           

Article 14 where laboratory inspection is required, the customs shall determine the inspection items and inspection requirements and send samples to the inspection institutions with relevant qualifications. The inspection institution shall carry out the inspection according to the requirements and issue the inspection report within the specified time.           

Article 15 if the imported cosmetics are qualified through inspection and quarantine, the customs shall issue the certificate of inspection and Quarantine of imported goods, and state the name, brand, country of origin (region), specification, number / weight, production batch number / production date, etc. Imported cosmetics can only be sold and used after they have obtained the certificate of inspection and Quarantine of imported goods.           

If the imported cosmetics fail to pass the inspection and quarantine and involve safety, health and environmental protection items, the customs shall order the parties to destroy them, or issue a return handling notice, and the parties shall go through the formalities of returning the cosmetics. If other items are unqualified, they may be treated with technology under the supervision of the customs. Only after they are re inspected and quarantined, can they be sold and used.           

Article 16 when applying for filing with the customs directly under the local jurisdiction, the consignee of duty-free cosmetics shall provide the name, address, legal representative, competent department, business scope, contact person, contact information, product list and other relevant information of the enterprise.           

Article 17. The duty-free cosmetics leaving the territory shall be subject to import inspection, and shall be free from the Chinese label and the conformity inspection of the labels. The certificate of inspection and Quarantine of Inbound Goods indicates that the products are only used for the sale of the goods in duty-free shops.           

For the first time imported duty-free cosmetics, the declaration that the quality and safety of the products issued by the supplier conform to relevant provisions of China, the certificate of free sale issued by foreign official or relevant institutions or certificate of origin, relevant safety assessment materials and product formula of potentially safety risk substances issued by relevant qualified institutions shall be provided.           
The General Administration of Customs shall supervise and manage the inspection and Quarantine of duty-free cosmetics leaving the island, and the specific measures shall be formulated separately.           

Chapter III Inspection and Quarantine of export cosmetics           

Article 18 the export cosmetics manufacturer shall ensure that its export cosmetics meet the requirements of the standards or contracts of the importing countries (regions). If there are no relevant standards in the importing country (region) and the contract does not require, the General Administration of Customs may designate relevant standards.           

Article 19 the General Administration of Customs shall implement the administration of filing for export cosmetics production enterprises. The specific measures shall be formulated separately by the General Administration of customs.
Article 20 the customs of origin shall carry out inspection and quarantine for export cosmetics, and the Customs at the port shall carry out port inspection.           
The Customs at the port shall inform the customs of the place of origin of the inspection of the unqualified information and report the unqualified information to the Customs at the higher level according to the provisions.           

Article 21 the export cosmetics production enterprises shall establish a quality management system and continue to operate effectively. The customs shall conduct daily supervision and inspection on the quality management system and operation of the export cosmetics production enterprises.           

Article 22 An export cosmetics manufacturer shall establish a management system for the purchase, acceptance and use of raw materials, and require the supplier to provide the qualification certificate of raw materials.           
The export cosmetics production enterprise shall establish production record files, and record the safety management of the cosmetics production process truthfully.           
The export cosmetics manufacturer shall establish an inspection record system to inspect its exported cosmetics in accordance with the relevant provisions to ensure the products are qualified.           
The above records shall be true and shall be kept for a period of not less than 2 years.           

Article 23 the consignor or its agent of the cosmetics export shall report to the Customs for inspection in accordance with the relevant provisions of the General Administration of customs.
The first cosmetics exported shall be provided with the following documents:            
(1) The record materials of the export cosmetics manufacturers;           
(2) Self statement. Declare that the enterprise has obtained the cosmetics production license, and the cosmetics meet the requirements of relevant laws and standards of the importing countries (regions), and that normal use will not harm human health and other contents;           
(3) Samples of foreign language labels and Chinese translation shall be submitted for the sale of finished products of packaging cosmetics.           

Article 24 after receiving the application for inspection, the customs shall carry out inspection and Quarantine on the export cosmetics, including on-site inspection, sampling and sample retention, laboratory inspection and certificate issuing.           

Article 25 the contents of the on-site inspection include the conformity of the goods certificate, the sensory characteristics of the products, the packaging of the products, the format of the label layout, the sanitary conditions of the means of transport, containers or storage places.           

Article 26 the sampling of cosmetics for export shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state, and the quantity of samples shall meet the needs of inspection, re inspection, reference and other use.           
When sampling, the customs shall issue the "sampling / sampling certificate" with serial number and seal of inspection and quarantine business. The sampling person and the consignor or its agent shall sign by both parties.           
The samples shall be managed in accordance with the relevant national regulations. The qualified samples shall be kept for 4 months after sampling, the qualified samples of special purpose cosmetics shall be kept one year after the certificate is issued, and the unqualified samples shall be kept until the end of the shelf life. Samples involving investigation of cases shall be kept until the end of the case.           

Article 27 Where laboratory inspection is required, the customs shall determine the inspection items and inspection requirements and send samples to the inspection institutions with relevant qualifications. The inspection institution shall carry out the inspection according to the requirements and issue the inspection report within the specified time.           

Article 28 If an export cosmetic is qualified through inspection and quarantine, and the importing country (region) has requirements for the inspection and quarantine certificate, it shall issue relevant inspection and quarantine certificate at the same time as required.           
If the cosmetics exported fail to pass the inspection and quarantine, they may be treated with technology under the supervision of the customs. Only after the re inspection and quarantine is qualified, shall the cosmetics be exported. If the technical treatment cannot be carried out or the re inspection is still unqualified after the technical treatment, it is not allowed to export.           

Article 29 when processing all cosmetics exported again, if the incoming materials can provide the supporting documents that meet the national (regional) regulations or standards to be re exported, they may be exempted from inspection according to the standards of China; the processed products shall be inspected and quarantine according to the standards of the importing countries (regions).           

Chapter IV Inspection and Quarantine of non trade cosmetics           

Article 30 for samples for cosmetics hygiene license or record keeping, non trial samples for R & D and publicity of enterprises, the consignee or its agent shall provide the sample usage and disposal description and non sales use commitment letter when the import application for inspection, and the Customs at the port of entry shall review and record the samples. If the quantity is within the reasonable range of use, it may be exempted from inspection. The consignee shall truthfully record the flow direction of cosmetics, and the record keeping period shall not be less than 2 years.           

Article 31 for import of exhibits not for trial use or non sale, the exhibition certificate issued by the exhibition organizer (competent) unit shall be provided for inspection, and may be exempted from inspection. After the exhibition is over, it shall be returned or destroyed under the supervision of the customs.           

Article 32 If the personal cosmetics (including gifts) carried or mailed into the country need to be quarantined at the port of entry, they shall be subject to quarantine.           

Article 33 the official institutions of foreign and international organizations in China shall import cosmetics for their own use, and the Customs at the place where the port of entry is located shall conduct inspection. Those who comply with the relevant provisions of entry inspection and Quarantine of articles used by the official institutions of foreign and international organizations in China shall be exempted from inspection.           

Chapter V Supervision and management            A

rticle 34 If the applicant has any objection to the inspection results and applies for re inspection, the re inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.           

Article 35 The Customs shall implement the classification management system for the producers and operators of cosmetics import and export.           

Article 36 the customs shall exercise good faith management over the consignee of imported cosmetics, the production enterprises and consignors of the cosmetics exported. If there are bad records, inspection and quarantine and supervision and management shall be strengthened.           

Article 37 The General Administration of Customs shall implement the risk monitoring system for the safety of imported and exported cosmetics, and organize the formulation and implementation of the annual safety risk monitoring plan for import and export cosmetics. The competent customs shall organize the supervision and report the results of the imported and exported cosmetics under their jurisdiction according to the safety risk monitoring plan of the General Administration of customs.           
The competent customs shall, based on the results of risk monitoring of imported and exported cosmetics, adjust the inspection, quarantine and supervision measures for imported and exported cosmetics on the basis of risk classification.           

Article 38 The General Administration of Customs shall establish a risk warning and quick response mechanism for imported and exported cosmetics. When the quality and safety problems of imported and exported cosmetics occur, or the quality and safety problems of cosmetics at home and abroad may affect the safety of imported and exported cosmetics, the General Administration of customs and the competent customs shall timely start the risk warning mechanism and take quick response measures.           

Article 39 The General Administration of Customs may, according to the type and extent of risk, decide and announce the following quick response measures:           
(1) To restrict import and export conditionally, including strict monitoring, strict inspection, and recall order;           
(2) Import and export are prohibited, and they are destroyed on site or returned to the transport;           
(3) Start the emergency plan for import and export cosmetics safety.            Responsible for the implementation of quick response measures by the customs.           

Article 40 for uncertain risks, the General Administration of Customs may, in accordance with the international practice, take immediate or acute quick response measures without risk assessment. Meanwhile, relevant information and information shall be collected and supplemented in time, risk assessment shall be conducted to determine the type and degree of risk.           

Article 41 If there is any safety problem in imported cosmetics, which may or has caused damage to human health and life safety, the consignee shall take the initiative to recall and report to the Customs at the place where it is located. The consignee shall publish relevant information to the society, inform the seller to stop selling, inform the consumer to stop using it and make a recall record. If the consignee fails to recall the goods voluntarily, the competent customs may order the recall. If necessary, the General Administration of Customs shall order it to recall.           
If there are safety problems in the export cosmetics, which may or have caused damage to human health and life safety, the export cosmetics manufacturer shall take effective measures and report to the Customs at the place where it is located immediately.           
The competent customs shall report the recall situation within the jurisdiction to the General Administration of Customs in a timely manner.           

Article 42 the customs shall carry out spot inspection on imported and exported cosmetics other than those which must be inspected by the customs in accordance with the provisions of the state.           

Chapter VI Legal Liability           

Article 43 If the imported cosmetics that have not passed the customs inspection are transferred from the designated or approved regulatory place without the permission of the customs, if there is any illegal income, the customs shall be fined not more than three times the illegal gains, with the maximum of 30000 yuan; if there is no illegal income, it shall be fined 10000 yuan.           

Article 44 If the imported cosmetics exhibits not for trial or non-sale are used for trial or sale, if there is any illegal income, the customs shall be fined not more than three times the illegal gains, with a maximum of 30000 yuan; if there is no illegal income, a fine of not more than 10000 yuan shall be imposed.           

Article 45 If the Customs fails to fulfill the obligation of returning or destroying the goods, the customs shall impose a fine of not more than 10000 yuan.           

Article 46 If customs staff divulges the trade secrets they know, they shall be given administrative sanctions according to law. If there is any illegal income, the illegal gains shall be confiscated; if a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.           

Article 47 If the producers and operators of import and export cosmetics and the inspection and quarantine staff have other illegal acts, they shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations.

Chapter VII supplementary provisions           
Article 48 the meanings of the following terms in these measures are as follows:           
(1) Cosmetics refer to the products that are spread on any part of the human body surface (epidermis, hair, toenails, lips, etc.) or oral mucosa and teeth to achieve the purpose of cleaning, eliminating bad smell, skin care, beauty and decoration;           
(2) Cosmetic semi-finished products refer to cosmetics that have completed all other production and processing processes except the last "filling" or "sub packaging" process;           
(3) Cosmetic products include sales packaging cosmetic products and non sales packaging cosmetic products;           
(4) Cosmetic products with sales package refer to the cosmetic products with sales package as the main purpose and reach the consumers together with the contents;           
(5) Non sales Packaged cosmetic products refer to the cosmetic products whose last contact with the contents has been completed, but there is no sales package.           

Article 49 The General Administration of Customs shall be responsible for the interpretation of these measures.           

Article 50 these Measures shall come into force as of February 1, 2012. The administrative measures for the supervision and inspection of import and export cosmetics (Decree No. 21) implemented by the former State Administration for entry exit inspection and Quarantine on April 1, 2000 shall be abolished at the same time.

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上一條:關(guān)于加工貿(mào)易邊角料、 剩余料件、殘次品、副產(chǎn)
版權(quán)所有@2023 Copyright 東莞市利澤斯進出口有限公司 (Dongguan Liser Import and Export Limited) 粵ICP備20023190號

請人助孕要多少費用 助孕在哪里找 尋求助孕生兒子 我想找個助孕的需要多少費用 助孕可以在醫(yī)院做嗎 助孕哪個做得好 助孕包生嗎 助孕哪家公司最正規(guī) 高價尋助孕媽媽 助孕機構(gòu)微信號 我國能助孕嗎 泰國助孕哪家好 全國有哪些助孕機構(gòu) 助孕咨詢 助孕機構(gòu)名稱 正規(guī)助孕中心 誠信專業(yè)助孕公司 助孕包選性別 助孕小孩子 助孕哪家便宜

