
China Customs Attends the World Customs Organization’s Second Global Online Conference on Cross-Border E-Commerce時間(TIME):2021-12-19 23:31:29

7/08/2021 China Customs              

The World Customs Organization (WCO)’s Second Global Online Conference on Cross-Border E-Commerce was held from 28 to 29 June, 2021. Following the first WCO Global Cross-Border E-commerce Conference held in Beijing, China in 2018,which had established the mechanism of regularly hosting WCO Global Cross-Border E-Commerce Conferences,the second conference gathered over 1700 representatives from Customs, academia and the private sector. Ms. Hu Lan,Deputy Director General of the Department of International Cooperation of the General Administration of Customs of China,attended the round-table session of the conference as a keynote speaker together with two other representatives from the U.S. and the EU. She shared views on Customs measures on e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the use of advanced technologies in fostering innovative and inclusive partnerships with e-commerce stakeholders and building a more secure, sustainable and resilient environment for cross-border e-commerce, which was well received by the participants.

助孕可靠嗎 助孕費用一般是多少 專業(yè)助孕的醫(yī)院 境外的助孕公司 國外專業(yè)的助孕公司 有做過助孕的嗎 全包助孕試管嬰兒 中國哪里可以做助孕 國內(nèi)都有哪些助孕公司 助孕公司是什么 專業(yè)助孕公司 什么情況可以做助孕 最正規(guī)助孕公司 助孕如何找 哪里能找到助孕媽媽 助孕產(chǎn)子合法嗎 助孕生兒子 有正規(guī)助孕公司嗎 國內(nèi)助孕需要多少費用 哪里有做助孕的

上一條:關于印發(fā) “十四五”冷鏈物流發(fā)展規(guī)劃的通知
下一條:廣州海關 黃埔海關關于進出口貨物收發(fā)貨人注冊登記業(yè)務“一窗通辦”的通告
版權所有@2023 Copyright 東莞市利澤斯進出口有限公司 (Dongguan Liser Import and Export Limited) 粵ICP備20023190號

助孕可靠嗎 助孕費用一般是多少 專業(yè)助孕的醫(yī)院 境外的助孕公司 國外專業(yè)的助孕公司 有做過助孕的嗎 全包助孕試管嬰兒 中國哪里可以做助孕 國內(nèi)都有哪些助孕公司 助孕公司是什么 專業(yè)助孕公司 什么情況可以做助孕 最正規(guī)助孕公司 助孕如何找 哪里能找到助孕媽媽 助孕產(chǎn)子合法嗎 助孕生兒子 有正規(guī)助孕公司嗎 國內(nèi)助孕需要多少費用 哪里有做助孕的

